End-to-end project to predict the mental health status of Instagram users from their posts and images. Built Un-supervised LDA and Semi-supervised Topic Models using text features.
REST API to convert English sentences to Telugu using LSTM and Keras. Deployed the built model onto AWS while using Docker-container orchestration.
Built content based recommendation and also product based search recommendation system using ALS algorithm on Big Data
Found Similarity between documents using Jaccard Similarity and including Parts Of Speech(POS) Tags of the words in the model to better find the synchronous relationship between documents. Implemented Word embedding to understand the word clusters.
Implementation of Spark context, Spark SQL context on Amazon Tweets data set with 400k Tweets. Analyzed the tweets on the busiest day to find the words that were repeated the most in the selected tweets.
Finding the binary sentiment of the tweets(satisfied or not) and basics of text processing.
Finding the contextual closeness between documents using basics of NLP. Implemented basics of text similarity on multiple files and presented the analysis.